
The Opposite of Light
Kimberly Grey

Winner of the 2015 Lexi Rudnitsky First Book Prize in Poetry

Can the notion of Romantic love withstand our endless postmodern moment? In these extraordinary poems, Kimberly Grey explores our abiding need for neatness, order, and symmetry in matrimony, considering our ideals for love and language in this digital age―its weightless, distracting, and inescapable pressures. She portrays the ways in which love reflects us back to ourselves: familiar but strange, predetermined but new.

“In this dazzling book, Grey does something brave. She investigates contemporary marriage without sounding ironic, treacly, or angry.”
—Barbara Hoffert, Library Journal

“[These poems] chime and resonate like deftly struck, fine crystal.”
—Janet St. John, ALA Booklist

Kimberly Grey, a recent Wallace Stegner Fellow, is Marsh McCall Lecturer in Continuing Studies at Stanford University. Her poems have appeared in Boston Review, Kenyon Review, A Public Space, Tin House, and elsewhere.

Paperback / $15.96 (Can $20.95) / ISBN 978-0-89255-471-3 / 54 pages / Poetry