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Red Ribbon on a White Horse
My Story
Anzia Yezierska

Introduction by W.H. Auden

First published in 1950, Red Ribbon on a White Horse is Anzia Yezierska’s autobiography, her life as she saw it, from the Polish ghetto to the sweatshops of New York’s Lower East Side and then to Hollywood, when she was at the height of her success.
Her collection of stories, Hungry Hearts, written with vivid emotional power about the Jews of the immigrant community in which she grew up, was made into a movie by Samuel Goldwyn in 1921. Yezierska offers a sharp portrait ofHollywood in its golden years, as well as an important account of her work with the WPA Writers Project later.
Yezierska’s focus on success and failure—how they felt and what they meant to her as an artist and a woman—make Red Ribbon on a White Horse a universal document.

Anzia Yezierska (ca. 1882-1970) is the author of many stories and novels about New York’s immigrant Jews, including Bread GiversHow I Found America and The Open Cage

Paperback / $11.95 (Can $17.00) / ISBN 978-0-89255-124-8 / 228 pages / Memoir