Available November 5, 2024

Where Will We Live If the House Burns Down
by Allison Blevins

Winner of the 2023 Lexi Rudnitsky Editor’s Choice Award

Straddling genres―prose poetry, micro memoir, fairy tale, autofiction―Where Will We Live If the House Burns Down is first and foremost the story of a marriage. Borrowing elements from surrealist writers and artists, it explores the effects of chronic illness, disability, and a spouse’s gender transition. All of these issues swirl through the central marital relationship and the daily lives of its two lead characters, Sergeant and Grim―even as the book’s narrator, unreliable and unobjective, increasingly takes center stage. Reminiscent of writers like Sabrina Orah Mark and Sarah Shun-Lien Bynum, this book is as engrossing as it is experimental, traversing complicated domestic and emotional terrain by way of Allison Blevins’ vivid imagination.

“…at once vitally complex and simply heartbreaking.”—Jon Pineda, author of Let’s No One Get Hurt

“Reading this book is as full and nuanced an experience as getting to know a brilliant, honest person and the many facets of their story.”—Julie Marie Wade, author of Skirted

“Allison Blevins guides us into the space between agency and pain with extraordinary intimacy.”—Cass Donish, author of Your Dazzling Death

Allison Blevins (she/her) is a queer disabled writer and the author of Cataloguing Pain, Handbook for the Newly Disabled: A Lyric Memoir, Slowly/Suddenly, and five chapbooks. She is the Founder and Director of Small Harbor Publishing and the Executive Editor at the museum of americana. She lives in Minnesota with her spouse and three children.

Paperback / $17.00 (Can. $23.00) / ISBN 978-089255-595-6 / 80 pages / Poetry